Training At Bath and Biscuit
Here we believe in giving your dog the fullest experience of life that can be offered for your furry friend.
While it is completely alright to spoil your dog, all dogs no matter the size or age need rules and regulations to keep them happy and properly care for. And to have both humans and
animals safely living together.
- Positive method of training that is rooted in natural canine behaviour and psychology
- Training is available for any breed of dog.
- We work with what is comfortable with you, following our guidelines.
- We don’t have just one method of training. It is years of research into different training methods and going through the experience of what works and doesn’t for us.
- Each dog will go through their own type of training methods during each class or individual session. Each dog will gain the same training, but just learn the process the way they know
how. We don’t feel the need to force each dog to learn exactly the same as the others.
- Not just your average training in a pet store. There will be public training outings for the dogs and owners to put the skills to the test. This helps the dogs learn new environments,
and trust they can do what they’ve learned in new settings with confidence.
Packages and Pricing
Most classes are 1 on 1, but for any of the classes if there is a request for some group activity that is absolutely doable. Many dogs just focus better and get better results
beginning on their own.
- Puppy Class I and II: These courses go through the most essential things to teach a puppy when they are young. Both courses are designed the same, just for different age ranges. The Puppy
I course is for puppies from ages 8 weeks to 5 months.
- The Puppy II course teaches the older puppy from 6months to 12 months. This course will teach sit, down, come, stay, learning ones name, and learning what a leash means. There will also
be demonstrations on how to teach your puppy the positives of a crate, and learning the skills for properly going through a veterinary exam or grooming without being scared or aggressive.
*$200* for Puppy I and *$250* for Puppy II
- Six week basic course- Goes through the basic behaviours as sit, down, come, leave it and stay with dogs one year and older. Then incorporates further manners such as car manners loading
and unloading and door manners learning how to wait. The wait command works wonders with many skills needed. It’s a further benefit of stay and leave it. Finally working on leash manners.
- Eight week Basic Course II- Goes through and works with what is learned in the first beginners course, but then adds on the additional skills of focus, advanced come and stay, walking
through a crowd calmly, greetings calmly, and also interacting with dogs calmly. *$400*